Traveling to Vancouver B.C. and exploring Granville Island, Stanley Park and Gastown

Bringing Ruby home, she's our new Boxer pup!

Celebrating Deena is Las Vegas
Taking the triplets to the Harvest House in Greenbluff
Taking wine shots to celebrate Spencer and Mallory
Celebrating and dancing with Chris and Deena (and meeting Sammy J!)
Riding in our first hot air balloon and hiking through the Redwood Forest
Celebrating Thanksgiving with family and hosting our friends "Friendsgiving"
Taking Ruby on her first trail run and hike
Ringing in 2017 with the new Waterfall's
Celebrating the triplet's first birthday
Celebrating Valentine's Day at this cozy spot, followed by changing a flat tire in rain
Completing my Total Barre certification and teaching my first class at Lululemon
College reunions with the Dollhouse
Soaking up sunshine and baseball in Phoenix, Arizona with dad and Karen
Hosting my first benefit class at Hot Feet Fitness
Riding the train to Portland, Oregon with Gonzaga friends
Hiking to new places
Traveling to Florida with my sister and mom's family
Exploring new places
Completing our backyard space
Ferry rides to Vashon Island, Washington
Attending our 5th annual Sunland Fourth of July trip