My sister and her friend Allie drove over to Seattle for the weekend. We went to the beach, ate at Marination Station and visited a friend who just had twins!

Katie, Thayer and Addison came into town! We pretty much did every kid-friendly activity there is to do in Seattle. Grown up activities included strolling along Pikes Place Market, lunch at Lola, shopping at Nordstrom and dinner at 913 Wine Bar on the cutest (heated) patio ever.

Kid-friend activities included Ride the Ducks, Fremont Troll and cruising around at North West Trek!

We went to the beach almost every day!

Mya discovered a love for seaweed...

Addison got to see Baby!
We reenacted our wedding about 100 times, Addison was the bride of course.
We baked!
Tried on Dustin's glasses!
Broke into our own home!

Mya is going to star in a commercial, starting next week. Be on the lookout if you watch HULU, Pandora or KING-5 television ;).
We celebrated Kari and Drew's wedding on a beautiful day in Woodinville!
It's been a busy few weeks, but lots of fun! I am excited to get back to blogging on a regular basis :).
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