I spent a good chunk of my weekend putting away leftover boxes from our recent move and new boxes that we brought home from my mom's house last weekend. With my mom's house selling much quicker than anticipated, the process of moving her items to our house has been extremely chaotic and makes me head hurt. For the record, our garage will most likely never actually have a car in it. Many storage bins and a pool table currently live in there.
However, I am starting to feel more confident to finalize the decor of our rooms, knowing that I don't anticipate another "load" of things to be dropped off :). I know what I have and what I need to buy.
Here is the direction I am leaning towards with our dining area. I currently have the lamps, basket, table and credenza. I am crossing my fingers that my Craigslist posting moves quickly with our current dining chairs, so I can justify the purchase of new ones.
To be budget friendly, I need to be creative with wedding gift cards and know that purchasing rugs will be the best use of our money at Crate and Barrel. The striped one will be a door mat and the jute rug I am thinking will be used underneath our kitchen table.
Still a work in progress, but it certainly helps to see it all come together on a mood board.
Opinions are welcomed!
What color is your dining room? Looking for a white/gray paint and yours looks like it fits the bill. Are you able to accessorize with cream and white with your wall color? I have an area rug with cream accents.